Diversity, Inclusion & Wellness Calendar

DIW Events Calendar

National Today

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National Tell a Joke Day

This day will be filled with smiles and laughter from morning till night. Jokes consist of humorous stories either written or verbal that often end with a punchline. While slapstick includes props and even minor stunts on the part of the storyteller, usually the best jokes are short. They involve a little misdirection and a well-delivered punchline. The more jokes you tell, the more fun you will have and so will those around you.

National Dog Day

National Dog Day is celebrated August 26th annually and was founded in 2004 by Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert, Animal Rescue Advocate, Conservationist, Dog Trainer and Author, Colleen Paige, also the founder of many other holidays such as National Puppy Day, National Mutt Day, National Cat Day, National Wildlife Day and many more philanthropic days to bring attention to the plight of animals around the globe and encourage adoption.

Mexican Independence Day

On August 24, 1821, Spain withdrew and officially recognized Mexico as an independent country. Today, Father Costilla is known as the Father of Mexican Independence. Mexican Independence Day has been celebrated every year since that momentous day on September 16, 1810

Mid-Autumn Festival

Also known as Moon Festival or Mooncake Festival, is a traditional festival celebrated by many East and Southeast Asian people. It is the second-most important holiday after Chinese New Year with a history dating back 3,000 years, when China's emperors worshipped the moon for bountiful harvests.

National Coffee Day

While the U.S. and Canada celebrate National Coffee Day on September 29, other nations mark this day throughout the calendar. International Coffee Day happens just two days later on October 1. The International Coffee Organization has pledged to help struggling coffee farmers worldwide make a living wage.

National Custodian Day

Custodians are our first line of defense of the war on germs and often, it’s a thankless task. So, on National Custodian Day, show your appreciation to the custodians who clean the office buildings or schools that you frequent. As far we’re concerned, custodians are the hardest-working people in show business!

National Pumpkin Day

National Pumpkin Day falls on October 26. Pumpkins are so much more than just a fun holiday accessory. Not only are they one of the best-known sources of beta-carotene (an antioxidant converted to vitamin A in the body), but pumpkins are loaded with fiber, potassium, and vitamin C. Try some on National Pumpkin Day (and of course have a little fun carving them).

National First Responders Day

National First Responders Day on October 28 recognizes the heroic men and women who make it their business to take immediate action when disaster strikes. Not sure what a first responder does? Just think about 9/11 for a moment. Firefighters, police, paramedics, and more — rushing into Lower Manhattan. Whether you’ve had your own emergency or not, it’s not hard to understand and appreciate the dangerous and difficult work they do.

National Stress Awareness Day

National Stress Awareness Day, on every first Wednesday in November is 24 hours of reinforcing the fact that you’re not doing yourself a favor by stressing about situations you can’t control. In fact, according to science, chronic stress leads to impaired cognitive and physiological functions. Would you want to age before your time? Absolutely not! On this day, let’s learn together to hone our ability to choose one thought over another and let the stress ebb away.

National Philanthropy Day

What Is National Philanthropy Day? National Philanthropy Day is a special day set aside on the fifteenth of November. The purpose of this day is to recognize the great contributions of philanthropy—and those people active in the philanthropic community—to the enrichment of our world.

Diversity, Inclusion & Wellness Committee Co-Chairs

Courtney Glancy, Lauren Troffer and Lu Yin

Windows to Wellness

The OPWD Diversity, Inclusion and Wellness (DIW) Committee is dedicated to bringing wellness opportunities to our staff.

Emotional Wellness

Our emotional wellness manifests in our ability to meet the world with optimism, trust and a sturdy sense of self-esteem.

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Social Wellness

With more than 50,000 employees combined, the UF and UF Health community is practically a city unto itself! Find support, networking and like-minded people by perusing the resources found here.

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Spiritual Wellness

Our spiritual life is an often-overlooked aspect of wellness, but our guiding beliefs, principles and values provide us with deeper meaning and purpose.

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Environmental Wellness

Interdependence with our surroundings and the natural world make the environment an important aspect of our overall well-being.

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Financial Wellness

Adopting smart fiscal management practices and preparing for short- and long-term expenses can help ensure we are “fiscally fit.”

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Occupational Wellness

Our day-to-day work provides personal fulfillment that maximizes our talents. Find resources here to support you in your goals.

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Physical Wellness

Proper nutrition, exercise and disease prevention all add up to a healthier you!

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Intellectual Wellness

As lifetime learners, our intellect is fed by an openness to new ideas, our capacity to think and to question, and our willingness to master new skills.

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Diversity & Inclusion Wellness

Diversity in the workplace is having a good representation of people with a variety of thoughts, skills, world views, and experiences; inclusion is making sure these people are appreciated for what they bring to the table and both foster enhanced employee well-being.

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The descriptions, information and resources for pillars 1-8 are from gatorcare.org.