Transitioning to Pre-COVID Operations
The University of Florida transitioned to pre-COVID normal operations for the start of the 2021-2022 academic year on June 28, as previously announced. Changes include returning to pre-pandemic classroom capacity for Summer B and Fall semesters. To view UF’s official statement on transitioning to normal campus operations, please visit this site.
In alignment with the university’s plan for transitioning to pre-COVID operations, our safety guidelines have been revised to remove previous social distancing restrictions, limited classroom capacities and mask requirements. The information from our OPWD Safety page below outlines the expectations of our staff and facility, and how students should prepare to visit should they attend our classes in person.
Please review our updated safety guidelines below:
Given recently released national guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and in concert with the State University System, the University of Florida will make masks optional rather than required for students, faculty, staff and guests on UF property and in UF facilities effective immediately. Those not fully vaccinated for COVID-19 are recommended to continue wearing masks, according to CDC guidance.
Download our 20-Second Hand-washing Guide
The OPWD team has had refresher training in proper hand-washing techniques. We ask that students also follow proper hand-washing techniques by following posted signage in restrooms.
OPWD team members are following guidelines provided by the UF test and trace program.
We have asked that any team members who are not feeling well proactively stay home until they have been fever free and feeling better for at least 72 hours.
Hand sanitizer dispensers are installed throughout the building and available in classrooms.
All hands-on equipment will be wiped down between student uses.
University of Florida is utilizing TruShot Disinfectant and Clorox Hydrogen Peroxide to wipe down all surfaces and high-touch areas regularly.
If you don’t feel well, please stay home and contact your medical provider. You can contact OPWD to discuss rescheduling your course by phone or email. (352) 392-9570 or kadymorris@treeo.ufl.edu.