New TREEO Online Courses Launched
If anything has proven the value and necessity of accessible learning, it’s the past year.
The University of Florida Training, Research and Education for Environmental Occupations (TREEO) Center has successfully transitioned a myriad of in-person classes to alternate formats, fitting the needs of environmental occupation essential workers dedicated to TREEO’s training programs during the unpredictability of COVID-19.
As TREEO continues to develop material, it is fervently working to keep its education accessible, but progress is barred as some states are slow to approve online courses. The environmental community is working toward increasing the number of states that accept online training.
TREEO has offered high-quality training with exceptional industry professional instructors for over 40 years, and will continue to adapt as online and hybrid formats broaden the outreach and ability to impact environmental workers state- and nation-wide.
With all of that in mind, TREEO is pleased to launch two new online course options for the Asbestos and Water/Wastewater programs. Learn more below!
Launched in June 2021, the new Asbestos Awareness (Class IV) online course is designed for workers performing Class IV operations (maintenance and custodial) that may involve contact with asbestos-containing materials (ACM) or potential asbestos-containing materials (PACM).
It is also for persons who clean up ACM and PCM waste and debris. This course meets the compliance requirement under OSHA Construction Standard 29 CFR 1926.1101.
Upon completion of this course, the student will receive a Certificate of Attendance. An annual refresher is required by OSHA.
Please contact the Asbestos Coordinator, Melissa Hamilton, at melissajhamilton@treeo.ufl.edu if you have questions about this course.
Highly requested from Water/Wastewater students, the Water Treatment Plant Operations Class C & B Training Course – Online (CB-DW) FDEP Approved Course for State Exam launched at the beginning of August.
This course provides instruction in the fundamental principles involved in water treatment plant operation. Water treatment practices vary widely across the country; however, a number of distinct processes can usually be identified in any treatment plant.
This course deals with both theoretical and practical aspects of these processes, and is intended to provide the basic knowledge necessary for you to begin a career in the water treatment field.
Who should attend? Anyone interested in gaining knowledge of operation and maintenance of a community drinking water system including owners, managers, supervisors, chief operators, shift operators, trainees, laboratory personnel and maintenance workers of a municipal drinking water treatment system. This course is approved to take the FDEP Class C and Class B Drinking Water Operator exams. Your certificate of completion is good for five years, so your state exam for C and B (if interested) should be taken within this period.
Please email questions@ad.ufl.edu if you have questions about this course.
Course Watch
Confined Space course coming soon. This course can be brought to your location.
Keep an eye on your inbox for an official launch date. Are you subscribed?
The University of Florida Training, Research and Education for Environmental Occupations (UF TREEO) is the University’s environmental training center providing non-credit continuing education courses and certificate programs to those working in environmental professions.