Adaptive governance for ecosystem: A case of mangrove forests in Sindh coastal region of Pakistan

Mr Muhammad Mumtaz1 1Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil, Sao Paulo, Brazil This study is conducted to understand the adaptation strategies to preserve ecosystem by looking the case of mangrove forests in Sindh coastal region of Pakistan.  The Sindh coastal region is located in the southeastern part of the country and is about 350 km long. This…


The success of terrestrial vertebrate conservation translocations worldwide: are we getting better at moving species?

Mr Shane D Morris1, Prof Chris N Johnson1, Dr Katherine E Moseby2, Prof Barry W Brook1 1University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia, 2University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Conservation translocation – the deliberate movement of an organism from one area to another to achieve a conservation benefit— has become increasingly important as an active response…

Can ecosystem properties be maintained by range-shifting species? Insights from novel marine forests

Mr Albert Pessarrodona1, Dr Dan Smale2, Dr Andrew Foggo3, A/Prof Thomas Wernberg1 1University Of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, 2The Marine Biological Association of the UK, Plymouth, UK, 3University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK Contemporary climate change is reorganizing the composition of ecological communities by inducing species migrations (range shifts), with migrant thermally-tolerant species often becoming competitively…


Improving the way U.S. fisheries management accounts for shifting distributions: detection and attribution

Dr Jay Peterson1, Ms Melissa Karp2, Dr. Patrick Lynch1, Mr. Roger Griffis1 1National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, United States, 2ECS Federal, LLC, Fairfax, United States Incorporating species distribution shifts into management decisions depends on the ability to detect that a change has occurred, is occurring, or is likely to occur in the future….


Climate Change Impacts on Transboundary Fish Stocks in North America

Mr Juliano Palacios-Abrantes1, Dr. W.W.L.  Cheung1 1University Of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada Climate change is shifting the distribution of fish stocks towards areas with cooler environment, generally in higher latitude or deeper water. Such shifts threaten to increase the amount of conflict over resources as stocks move freely in ocean waters crossing human-made management boundaries….


Mixed-species shoaling as a behavioural mechanism facilitating the redistribution of tropical fishes.

Mr Kai Paijmans1, Professor David Booth2, Dr Marian Wong1 1University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia, 2University of Technology, Sydney, Sydney, Australia Tropical fishes recruiting to temperate regions outside of their native range (hereafter termed vagrants) provide an exciting opportunity to investigate how novel behavioural interactions between displaced and native species are likely to structure future climate…

The flooding in eight (8) villages under Kwaita block Kwali area council of the Federal Capital Territory Abuja.

Mr Michael  Oke1 1Michael Adedotun Oke  Foundation, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeri, Nigeria This flood affected  about  10,000  hectares of  Farmland  and  more than 500 farmers  were  involved. Besides quite a large number of crops like Maize, Rice, Cassava, Plantains, Yams, Banana, Soya beans , Cowpeas , Vegetables and other crops  were destroyed.  The  dates…

The effect of scale on the matching of fishery and environmental data

Dr Ismael Núñez-Riboni1, Dr Anna Akimova1 1Thünen-institut Für Seefischerei, Bremerhaven, Germany Matching environmental and fishery data is a fundamental step when modeling fish distributions and marine habitat suitability. In this study, we show how resolution reduction (downsampling) of both fishery and environmental data improves the performance of habitat modeling. We use spatially resolved abundances throughout…


The effect of habitat complexity on temperature preference in coral reef fish.

Ms Tiffany Nay1, Dr.  Andrew Hoey1, Dr. Jodie Rummer1, Prof. John Steffensen2, Dr. Jacob Johansen3 1ARC CoE Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, 2University of Copenhagen, Helsingør, Denmark, 3New York University-Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Global temperatures are becoming more extreme, posing a challenge to ectothermic species. Many ectotherms utilize thermoregulation…


Assessing risks of climate-driven range shifts through the lens of invasion biology

Dr Toni Lyn Morelli1,2, Piper Wallingford3, Jenica Allen4, Evelyn Beaury2, Dana Blumenthal5, Bethany Bradley2, Jeffrey Dukes6, Regan Early7, Emily Fusco2, Deborah Goldberg8, Inés Ibáñez8, Brittany Laginhas2, Valerie Pasquarella9, Montserrat Vilà10, Raj Whitlock11, Cascade Sorte3 1US Geological Survey, Hadley, United States, 2University of Massachusetts, Hadley, United States, 3University of California, Irvine, United States, 4University of New…