
Spatially integrated, temporally adjusted, multi factorial control of a range extending sea urchin

Dr John Keane1, Miss Olivia Johnson1, Dr Scott Ling1, Dr Craig Mundy1, Dr  Katie Cresswell1 1Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, Taroona, Australia The climate driven range extension of the Longspined Sea Urchin, Centrostephanus rodgersii, in south-eastern Australia has led to the establishment of a population off the island state of Tasmania to increase from…


Hiding the Broccoli under the Chips

Stephen Oliver British-Australian filmmaker turned broadcasting executive Stephen Oliver has built a successful media career from making entertaining, prime-time documentaries and effective associated impact campaigns about supposedly dry or complex subjects. In this session, he will explore communication techniques and show examples of his work, which include getting people to care about seafood labelling, how…


Promoting adaptation to climate change in marine spatial planning

Dr Catarina Frazão-Santos1,2, S Garcia-Morales1, Dr Francisco Andrade1, T Agardy3, L Crowder4, M Barange5, C Ehler6,7, M Orbach8, H Calado9, H Otto-Pörtne10, E Gissi11, Dr Rui Rosa1 1MARE-Marine and Environmental Sciences Center, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 2NOVA School of Business and Economics, NOVA University of Lisbon,, Portugal, Carcavelos, Portugal, 3Sound Seas, Bethesda M, ,…


Climate Change Impacts on Protected Area Boundaries: A Speculative Analysis Using African Wild Dogs as a Case Study

Dr Andrew Blackmore, A/Prof Arie Trouwborst Climate change will increasingly impact species and habitat composition of protected areas, even if precise impacts are difficult to predict, especially in smaller areas. This raises questions for management authorities not only regarding ecological protected area integrity, but also regarding damage-causing wildlife. The latter’s complexity is highlighted by the…


Preventing a Shifting Future, the Exemplary Practices of the Ekuri community in Nigeria

Chief Edwin   Ekuri community in Cross River State of Nigeria consist of Old Ekuri and New Ekuri villages with a population of 6,200 people, and, has a forest called Ekuri community forest. The Ekuri community forest is sandwich by Okokori, Etara/Eyeyeng community forests to the north-east; to the south-east by the Cross River National…

Talking circle – an opportunity to speak with Zulu fishers

Hosted by Tero Mustonen This talking circle will be an innovative and interactive exchange considering the multiple, simultaneous drivers of change regarding traditional Zulu fishermen of the Eastern seaboard of South Africa. New species are appearing, “old” species are changing their behavior, there is a lack of rights and recognition, and marine pollution. This is…

Interview with an Elder – Sutej Hugu 

Hosted by Tero Mustonen Discussions of Indigenous knowledge and its relationship with science has been an intense debate for decades. This direct form interview with Indigenous Elder(s) will seek to dive deeper on the concept, reasons, frameworks and cosmologies behind the topic. What in it for Indigenous and Local Knowledge? Is it really a knowledge…

ECR Panel discussion and networking event: From collaboration to publication

Panel Members: Miguel Araújo, Susana Clusella-Trullas, Regan Early, Guy Midgley, Tero Mustonen, Gretta Pecl and Morgan Tingley, Panel discussion: From collaboration to publication In an interactive discussion, a panel of leading academics and Editors of top-ranking journals will provide their top tips for successfully navigating the publication pathway, from the formation of productive collaborations to submitting…


Climate invader or refugee? Evaluating ecological impacts of species redistribution

Cascade Sorte Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Irvine, USA   Shifts in species distributions was one of the first recognized “fingerprints” of climate change effects on natural ecosystems, and range shifts have now been documented for hundreds of species across virtually all taxa and ecosystems. While redistribution may be a climate…