01. Implications of species range change for health, food security and ecosystem services |
Cutaneous leishmaniasis emergence: the role of climate change associated vector range expansions Stavana Strutz |
02. Detection, attribution and facilitation of range change |
Australian arid-zone birds: assessing species movements in response to an extreme rain event Michelle R. Gibson |
Can forest plant species escape the climate change fire? Yes, by using streams as “high-speed corridors”! Jonathan Lenoir |
Contrasting pattern of neutral and putatively adaptive genetic variation of a montane philopatric species: implications for climate-driven range-shifts Benjamin Yeboah Ofori |
Dispersal processes and environmental extrapolation on predictive accuracy of species distribution models across time: an example with endemic and threatened Darwin frog David E. Uribe |
Distributional responses to marine heatwaves: insights from length-frequencies across the geographical range of the endemic reef fish choerodon rubescens Scott Bennett |
First sightings – harbingers of species shifts or false alarms? Hannah Fogarty |
Geographical range margins of a wide range of British taxonomic groups continue to shift polewards Suzanna Mason |
Have black marlin flown the coop? Use of a terrestrial modelling technique reveals a rapid poleward distribution shift in the habitat of a mobile pelagic predator Nicholas Hill |
Molluscs on the move in Tasmanian waters: recent finds suggest poleward range shifts in many marine species Simon Grove |
Spatial modelling the northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus) in the Pilbara: Informing conservation management of an isolated population of an endangered and iconic species. Shaun Molloy |
Linking reproductive mode, microhabitat use and thermal performance in two sympatric skinks (Sphenomorphus indicus and s incognitus Felix Yuan |
03. Changing distributions and conservation paradigms |
Bimodality of latitudinal gradients in marine species richness Chhaya Chaudhary |
Climate change in the southern Indian Ocean: projecting impacts on tuna distribution, longline fleet-dynamics, and albatross bycatch Pamela E. Michael |
Distribution models of temperate habitat-forming species on the continental shelf in eastern Australia: setting the baseline and predicting future changes Martin Marzloff |
Environmental Influences on the Trans-Oceanic Migrations of North Pacific Loggerhead Sea Turtles Dana Briscoe |
Hitching a ride in the Australian Alps: road edges as conduits for native plant movements Keith McDougall |
Hypoxic Pelagic Zone as a Refuge for Small Fish in a Freshwater Ecosystem Lukas Vejrik |
The Atlas of Living Australia: 55 million species records and counting Lee Belbin |
Unusual suspects in the usual places: A framework to identify potential future invasive species Rebecca Harris |
Velocity of distribution change in plant species from Parastrephia and Mutisia genus (Asteraceae) in the South American Altiplano (tropical Andes) due to climate change Taryn Fuentes-Castillo |
Vulnerability of turtle nesting beaches over the next 50-100 years Nathalie Butt |
Wildlife Restoration: for when you build it and they don’t come David Watson |
Predicting species’ moves: are we leaving threatened species out in the cold? Raquel A Garcia |
04. Biological responses at the species level – physiology & genetics |
Does environmental variation predict temporal variation in traits associated with mating success in spotted bowerbirds? Caroline Dingle |
Evaluating climate change vulnerability of a subtropical mountain-top terrestrial ectotherm Mariel Familiar López |
Octopus on the Move: What factors may facilitate the range shift of Octopus tetricus in south-eastern Australia? Jorge Ramos |
Physiological determinants of tolerance to climatic extremes in reptiles Anna Pintor |
Physiological performance and adaptions of key ecosystem species in an ocean warming hotspot Elias Polymeropoulos |
Plasticity of tropical reef fish to future Sydney winters Graeme Poleweski |
Population genetic signatures of the range extending Octopus tetricus (Gould, 1852) in south-eastern Australia Jorge Ramos |
Species traits and climate velocity explain geographic range shifts in an ocean-warming hotspot Jennifer Sunday |
The rapid evolution of phenotypic plasticity in the introduced weed, Arctotheca populifolia. Charlie Clark |
A tale of two urchins: disperal capacity of closely-related species Heliocidaris erythrogramma and H. Tuberculata, with contrasting PLD’s Mailie Gall |
Do the energetics and thermal tolerance of triploid and diploid Atlantic salmon differ? Alyssa Bowden |
Does developmental hypoxia have enduring effects on the metabolism and morphology of Atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar)? Andrew Wood |
From pole to pole: the potential for the Arctic seastar Asterias Amurensis to invade a warming Southern Ocean Maria Byrne |
05. Cultural, social and economic dimensions of range shifts and changing ecosystems |
Coastal urbanization and seascape connectivity structure fish assemblages in the surf-zones of ocean-exposed sandy beaches Elena Vargas-Fonseca |
Engaging the public to help identify range-shifting marine species: if, why and how the public want to become involved Vicki Martin |
06. Governance, legal and ethical issues for managing shifting species and changing ecosystems |
The pros and cons of re-wilding private lands in Tasmania Aine Nicholson |
07. Modelling Change from Molecules to Ecosystems: Understanding and representing multi-scale mechanisms that link climate. humans and living resources |
Climate change impacts on ocean circulation: another stressor in marine ecosystems Simon Van Gennip |
Integrating advanced remote sensing data into a multi-scale species distribution model (SDM) coupled with a population model to predict the invasion dynamic of a non-native plant Jonathan Lenoir |
08. Impacts of climate change on composition an structure of ecological communities |
Bridging the gap between ecologists and modellers: the Biodiversity and Climate Change Virtual Laboratory (BCCVL) Sarah Richmond |
Broad latitudinal discontinuity in coral symboises has the potential to limit species movements under climate change Sun Kim |
Bryophytes challenge the latitudinal diversity gradient in Europe Rubén G. Mateo |
Expansion of Plesiastrea verispora populations following recent warming in Western Australia Chenae Tuckett |
Integrating natural tags to assess connectivity patterns and population structure of fish species with ontogenetic migrations Patrick Reis-Santos |
Movement in the understorey Marie Keatley |
Potential impacts of climate change on biotic homogenization Mao-Ning Tuanmu |
Range shift vs. intraspecific body size change under warming: altitude-dependent impact on community body size I-Ching Chen |
Effects of environmental change on montane birds and amphibians in Peninsular Malaysia Malcolm Chu Keong Soh |
09. Shifting species in polar terrestrial ecosystems: range expansion and invasions |
Change in the distribution of the indigenous grass Poa litoosa on sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island following the eradication of rabbits Laura Williams |
10. Management strategies for multiple objectives and benefits |
Incorporating projected trends of a changing climate into community-based regional-scale Natural Resource Management planning Jodie Deeley, Mikkel Christensen |
11. Decision-making for assisted colonisation as a climate change adaption strategy |
Building a case for the western swamp turtle (Pseudemydura umbrina) as a candidate for assisted colonisation Sophie Arnall |
Identification of conservation reserves for tuatara under climate change Scott Jarvie |
Identifying seed provenances using climate analogues Peter Harrison |
12. Species interactions and community dynamics in novel assemblages |
Life in the city: Bird community composition along gradients of invasion and urbanization Andrew Rogers |