Tracking optimal temperatures: The role of thermal history and behavioural thermoregulation in the re-distribution of spiny lobsters.

Dr Michael Oellerman1, Dr Samantha Twiname1, Dr Quinn Fitzgibbon1, Prof Gretta Pecl1 1IMAS, University Of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia Abstract: Ongoing anthropogenic warming triggers numerous species to shift their natural ranges, tracking preferred temperatures to sustain fitness und ultimately survival. Animals may also track optimal temperature by vertical migrations or selection of habitat spaces that offer…

How well do process-explicit models predict range dynamics under climate change?

Dr Natalie Briscoe1, Dr Gurutzeta Guillera-Arroita1, Prof Jane Elith1, A/Prof Roberto Salguero-Gómez2 1The University Of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 2Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom Species distribution models are widely used to forecast species responses to climate change and inform conservation decisions. Most commonly, these models are based on correlations between species occurrence data and environmental predictors,…

Golden jackal on the move in Europe: tracking the changing land-use and climate

Miss Klára Pyšková1,2, Prof Petr Pyšek2,1 1Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2The Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Botany, Department of Invasion Ecology, Průhonice, Czech Republic Abstract: Ongoing global change is bringing about shifts in species distributions that include both the spread of populations of invading species and range…

Movement behavior of terrestrial Tapirus in the Amazonia Colombiana

PhD(c) Tania González1, Dr Dolors Armenteras1 1Grupo de Investigación en Ecología del Paisaje y Modelación de Ecosistemas-ECOLMOD. Departamento de Biología, Universidad Nacional de Colombia., Bogotá, Colombia Abstract: Currently, human activities have a highly negative impact over biodiversity, contributing to the extinction of species populations, due to its effects over migration, movement, and other important ecological…

Using biophysical modelling to map the mechanisms of extinction in a nocturnal lemur

Ms Eleanor  Stalenberg1, Professor Joerg Ganzhorn3, Professor Andrew Krockenberger2, Professor William Foley1 1Research School of Biology, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 2Division of Research and Innovation, James Cook University , Cairns, Australia, 3Animal Ecology and Conservation, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany Abstract: Understanding the impacts of environmental change on wildlife will require an integrated approach…


Plankton as prevailing conditions: monitoring climate driven shifts in plankton communities as surveillance indicators for ecosystem based management

Mr Jacob Bedford1, Mr David  Johns2, Dr Abigail McQuatters-Gollop1 1Plymouth University, Plymouth, United Kingdom, 2Marine Biological Association, Plymouth, United Kingdom Although the evidence base for climate driven shifts in marine biodiversity is growing, how this information is formally incorporated into marine management and policy frameworks is as yet unclear. At the base of the marine…


Reef fish biomass of functional types tracks seasonal and latitudinal environmental change

Dr Maria Beger1,2, Dr Mark Miller1, Ms Katie Cook1, Dr Brigitte Sommer2,3, Professor John Pandolfi2, A/ Prof James Reimer4 1University Of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom, 2University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 3University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 4University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Japan Multi-species range shifts of multiple species transform communities, but these changes remain largely unquantified. …


Climate-mediated threats to temperate reef resilience: quantifying the mechanisms that limit kelp forest recovery.

Miss Sahira Bell1,2, Miss Shannen Smith3, Associate Professor Thomas Wernberg1, Dr Hamish Malcolm5, Dr Ezequiel Marzinelli6,7, Associate Professor Adriana Verges3,4 1University Of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, 2Balu Blue Foundation, Port Lincoln, Australia, 3University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 4Sydney Institute of Marine Science, Sydney, Australia, 5Department of Primary Industries, Coffs Harbour, Australia, 6National University…

Mangroves on the March: climatic and hydrologic variables influence southern-most mangrove encroachment into saltmarsh

Ms Ashley Whitt1, Dr Rhys  Coleman2, Dr Chris Gillies3, Dr Catherine Lovelock4, Dr Pete Macreadie1 1Deakin University , Melbourne, Australia, 2Melbourne Water , Melbourne, Australia, 3The Nature Conservancy , Melbourne, Australia, 4The University of Queensland , Melbourne , Australia Abstract: Unprecedented rates of climate change have contributed to shifts in species distributions, such as mangrove…


Global warming propels exotic species impacts on marine ecosystems

Dr Scott Bennett1, Dr Julia Santana-Garcon1, Dr  Núria Marbà1, Dr Gabriel Jordà1,2, Dr Andrea Anton3, Dr Eugenia Apostolaki4, Dr Just Cebrian5,6, Dr Nathan Geraldi3, Dr Dorte Krause-Jensen7,8, Dr Catherine Lovelock9, Dr Paulina Martinetto10, Prof. John M. Pandolfi9, Prof Carlos M. Duarte3 1Global Change Research Group, Institut Mediterrani d’Estudis Avançats (IMEDEA), CSIC-UIB, Esporles, Spain, 2Instituto Espanol…