
Root and above-ground trait variation across a water availability gradient in woody Fynbos shrubs

Ms Nicola Kühn1, Prof Kathy Willis1, Dr Carolina Tovar, Dr Marc Macias-Fauria1 1University Of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom   Trait-based ecology is important for understanding mechanisms of species response to climate change by focusing on the functional traits that mediate plant survival under a set of environmental conditions. There is consensus around which traits are…

Elucidating the differences in the demographic responses of marine and terrestrial species to global change

Dr Pol Capdevila1, Dr Maria Beger2, Dr Gwilym Rowlands1, Dr Rob Salguero-Gomez1 1Department of Zoology, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2School of Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom Global change is causing a dramatic rate of species loss. There are many documented examples of extinction in terrestrial systems. Yet, despite…


Measuring spatial predator-prey overlap to understand changing trophic interactions

Dr Gemma Carroll1, Dr Kirstin Holsman3, Dr Stephanie Brodie1,2, Dr James Thorson3, Dr Elliott Hazen2, Dr Steven Bograd2, Dr  Rebecca Selden4 1Universiy Of California Santa Cruz, Monterey, United States, 2NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Monterey, United States, 3NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, United States, 4Rutgers University, New Jersey, United States Global environmental change is…


Prioritizing Areas of Wolverine Habitat Connectivity in the Western United States

Ms Kathleen Carroll1, Dr. Andrew Hansen1, Dr. Robert Inman2 1Montana State University, Bozeman, United States, 2Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Helena, United States In the conterminous United States, wolverines (Gulo gulo) occupy semi-isolated patches of public lands. Connectivity among this metapopulation is essential to the persistence of this species in the western U.S. However, maintaining…

Ecological determinants of turnover in species richness, functional diversity, and phylogenetic diversity in the diverse and widespread Australian gecko genus Gehyra

Dr Renee Catullo1,2, Prof. Craig Moritz1 1Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 2FSP Environomics, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia Abstract: Diversity metrics such as species richness, functional diversity, and phylogenetic diversity are regularly suggested as useful methods for determining conservation priorities at regional scales. These measures are often correlated, leading to suggestions that one diversity metric may substitute…

Exploring the drivers of the distribution of species abundances across the geographic range in freshwater fishes.

Mr Juan D. Carvajal-Quintero1, Dr. Fabricio Villalobos1, Dr. Thierry Oberdorff2, Dr. Gaël Grenouillet2, Dr. Céline Jezequel2, Dr. Pablo A. Tedesco2 1Laboratorio de Macroecología Evolutiva, Red de Biología Evolutiva, Instituto de Ecología (INECOL), Xalapa, Mexico, 2UMR5174 EDB (Laboratoire Evolution et Diversité Biologique), CNRS, IRD, UPS, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France Understanding the distribution of species abundances…

Geographic ranges of freshwater fishes: drainage network position and historical connectivity determine most of their size variation

Mr Juan D. Carvajal-Quintero1, Dr. Fabricio Villalobos1, Dr. Thierry Oberdorff2, Dr. Gaël Grenouillet2, Dr. Sébastien Brosse2, Dr. Céline Jezequel2, Dr. Bernard Hugueny2, Dr. Pablo A. Tedesco2 1Laboratorio de Macroecología Evolutiva, Red de Biología Evolutiva, Instituto de Ecología (INECOL), Xalapa, Mexico, 2UMR5174 EDB (Laboratoire Evolution et Diversité Biologique), CNRS, IRD, UPS, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France…

Interactions between microclimate and physiology shape rainforest ant communities after disturbance and conversion to oil palm

Mr Michael Boyle1, Dr Tom Bishop2, Dr Sarah Luke3, Dr Stephen  Hardwick1, Miss R. Isolde Lane-Shaw1, Dr  Marion Pfeifer4, Dr Michiel Van Breugel5, Prof Theodore Evans6, Dr  Arthur Chung7, Prof Robert Ewers1 1Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, 2University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, 3University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, 4University of Newcastle, Newcastle, UK, 5Smithsonian Tropical…


Climate driven changes to dispersal pathways in a climate change hotspot

Dr Paulina Cetina-Heredia1, Professor Moninya Roughan1, Dr Melinda Coleman2, Dr Andrew Jeffs3 1UNSW, Australia, Sydney, Australia, 2Department of Primary Industries, Fisheries NSW, Coffs Harbour, Australia, 3University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand Larval dispersal by ocean currents influences species distributions and population dynamics; this study examines the impact of future climate on dispersal in a hotspot…

Simulating dispersal with Parcels, a Lagrangian simulator

Dr Paulina Cetina-Heredia1, Dr Erik van Sebille2, Professor Moninya Roughan1, Dr Mathew Chamberlain3 1UNSW, Australia, Sydney, Australia, 2Institute of Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht University,,  Utrecht, Netherlands, 3Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Canberra, Australia Parcels (Probably A Really Computationally Efficient Lagrangian Simulator) is a set of Python classes and methods to perform particle tracking…