Ancestral thought in the Andean region, walking the Andean wisdom in the social movements of Ecuador to Cauca.

Mr Eduardo Erazo Acosta1

1University Of Nariño, Pasto, Colombia


Rights of Nature: Social Justice and philosophy in practice

This research has been done in the last seven years, with emphasis on the republics of Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela and Peru, in the indigenous communities of Colombia CRIC, the Cauca Regional Indigenous Council. In addition to the Ecuadorian indigenous movement of Otavalo – Imbabura – Ecuador. Also the indigenous movement in the Sierra de Bolivia and Peru.

By highlighting the alternative media, using websites, radio and community television, press, giving way to the decolonial theory, social emancipation and thus the redefinition of the rights of native communities, take chain decolonial form and intellectual aspects, theoretical and social openness leads to the strengthening of social movements, labor movements, teachers, workers, peasant struggles in the rural and urban sector in the last 20 years in Latin America and thus give way to the redefinition of economic and cultural social rights.

Notably academic basis in liberation theology of Gustavo Gutierrez, Leonardo Boff, libertarian pedagogy in Paulo Freire, Philosophy of Liberation Enrique Dussel, Francois Houtart, that have transpired in history, social movements and thus have redefined the work of the media as a service to the specific needs of ancestral communities.


Sociologist – Master Student Studies Interdisciplinary of Development

Research Group “Curriculum and University”University of Nariño. Pasto Nariño Colombia.

14 years’ experience of research on social movements, politics and violence in the Andean region. Emphasis on comparative politics perspective in Latin America and Europe.

Research Line: Decoloniality, migration, human rights, Andean ancestral thought, social movements and Sumak Kawsay.

Accompanying social movements and human rights in the Andean region.

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