
The power of the Sumak kawsay (buen vivir) ancestral philosophy in the indigenous movements of Colombia – Ecuador vs exclusion by mining mega- development, contributions to the rights of the nature from the global south

Mr Eduardo Erazo Acosta1

1University of Nariño, Pasto, Colombia

This research has been carried out in the last 7 years, with emphasis on the republics of Colombia, Ecuador, in the Indigenous Communities of Colombia CRIC, Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca and CONAIE Confederation indigenous of Ecuador, in comparative perspective. In addition to the Ecuadorian indigenous movement of Ecuador.

Within the institutional policies, mega development is linked to the continuous depredation of mining-energy resources, which is also correlated to the development of the economy as a central element of the national development framework, this is a problem complex in middle of posconflict in Colombia, its true or false in middle of the social movements, indigenous movements, gender an exclusion historical groups?

In this aspect, the main objective is to present the experience of Sumak kawsay (in quechua language) – Buen Vivir – good living from the Andean perspective, as a possibility to consolidate inclusion and critiques of development, and secondly, to identify alternatives to development by recognizing experiences of Andean cosmovision, linked to the interrelation between connection between social agents of integral health promotion from the own health practices understood as well as how the political exercise to the Sumak Kawsay – buen vivir

– good life of original communities.

Within the discourse of modernity, legality appears here as the unilateral discourse of economic development protected by the government and large multinational multinationals that defend the great mining industry and with it in a chain: the great destruction of nature, drought of rivers, glaciers, effects on the biological chain


Sociologist – Master Student Studies Interdisciplinary of Development

Research Group “Curriculum and University” attached to Colciencias. Universidad de Nariño. Pasto Nariño Colombia.

14 years’ experience of research on social movementsin the Andean region.

Research Line: Decoloniality, Andean ancestral thought, social movements and Sumak Kawsay.

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