
Discrepancies in data reporting of zoonotic infectious diseases across the Nordic countries – a call for action in the era of climate change

MSc Camilla Berggren, Assoc prof Tomas Thierfelder, Professor Anders Koch, Professor Birgitta Evengård, PhD Anna Omazic

1Dept. of Energy & Technology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Uppsala, Sweden, 2Dept. of Energy & Technology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Uppsala, Sweden, 3Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland, Nuuk, Greenland, 4Dept. of Clinical Microbiology, Unit of Infection and Immunity, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden, 5   National Veterinary Institute, (SVA), Uppsala, Sweden

To meet the increasing demand for evidence-based policies regarding climate-sensitive infectious diseases, epidemiological studies are vital. A review of registered data for nine potentially climate-sensitive infections, collected from the Nordic health authorities, found that performing such studies across countries is constrained by incompatible reporting systems and differences in regulations. To address this, international standardisation is recommended.


Professor of infectious diseases Umeå University, PI of the Nordic Center of Excellence: Climate change and transition of infectious diesases in the North

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