Current status of marine non-indigenous species in the Western Pacific region

Dr Suchana Apple Chavanich1, Mr. Wenxi Zhu2

1Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 2UNESCO/IOC-WESTPAC, Bangkok, Thailand


UNESCO/IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) project on the “Coastal Marine Biodiversity and Conservation” had organized regional workshops related to marine non-indigenous species (NIS), and published a report on current status of marine NIS in the Western Pacific region.  This report aimed to consolidate the available information on the current status and list of marine NIS in nine countries; China, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.  The report also attempted to provide a general review of on-going research and management in each country.  Pathways of the introduction of marine NIS were investigated, and lists of marine NIS in each country in the WESTPAC were compiled.  The data showed that the pathways of introduction of marine NIS varied depending on the countries.  Marine NIS in Southeast Asia countries tended to come from intentional introductions while marine NIS in East Asia countries were from unintentional introductions.  More details of the pathways and the list of species will be shown.  The information from this report can serve as a baseline data for further research and management on marine NIS in the region.


Dr. Suchana Apple Chavanich received her Ph.D. degree in Zoology from University of New Hampshire, USA.  At present, she is an associate professor at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand.  She has a broad base of ecological research interests that involve the study of nearshore species from tropical to polar regions.  In addition, her research focuses on conservation and restoration of marine ecosystems particular on coral reefs.  Currently, Dr. Chavanich is also the Project Leader of Coral Reef Conservation in the Western Pacific under the UNESCO/IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific.

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