
An EEZ-wide dynamic management and monitoring approach for a pelagic tuna fishery

Dr Megan Cimino1, Mark Anderson2, Travis Schramek2, Sophia  Merrifield2, Eric  Terrill2 1UC Santa Cruz/NOAA SWFSC, Pacific Grove, United States, 2Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, USA Fisheries monitoring and management face many challenges in the wake of climate change, overfishing and illegal activates, which can lead to altered fish distributions and depleted stocks. For small…


Prioritizing Areas of Wolverine Habitat Connectivity in the Western United States

Ms Kathleen Carroll1, Dr. Andrew Hansen1, Dr. Robert Inman2 1Montana State University, Bozeman, United States, 2Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Helena, United States In the conterminous United States, wolverines (Gulo gulo) occupy semi-isolated patches of public lands. Connectivity among this metapopulation is essential to the persistence of this species in the western U.S. However, maintaining…


Using trait-based assessments to develop and implement on-the-ground climate adaptation projects for species

Dr Nikhil Advani1 1World Wildlife Fund, Washington, United States World Wildlife Fund is working with partners around the world to better understand how a changing climate is impacting wildlife and developing and implementing appropriate solutions. Changes in climate and extreme weather events have already begun to affect biodiversity across the globe. In addition to direct…


Evaluating the risks and benefits of assisted migration in a stochastic metacommunity

Dr Gregory Backus1, Dr Marissa Baskett1 1University Of California, Davis, Davis, United States With projected rates of climate change, species that are dispersal-limited and species with narrow thermal tolerance will be especially at risk of extinction. A proposed approach for conserving these climate-threatened species is assisted migration, where populations are moved beyond their historical ranges…


Running out of space: management sites for threatened species in New South Wales (Australia) are unlikely to be resilient to climate change

Macquarie University Linda Beaumont1, Miss Elissa McFarlane1, Dr Manuel Esperon-Rodriguez1,2, Ms Polly Mitchell3, Dr John Baumgartner1 1Macquarie University, North Ryde, Australia, 2Hawkesbury Institute of Environment, Richmond, Australia, 3New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney, Australia In New South Wales (NSW), Australia, the Saving Our Species (SoS) program underpins State Government threatened species conservation…