Transgenerational acclimation of a coral reef fish to ocean warming

JM Donelson (1,2), DJ Booth (1) and PL Munday (2,3) Centre for Environmental Sustainability, School of Life Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney, Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia, College of Marine and Environmental Science, James Cook University, Townsville, Qld 4811, Australia, ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University, Townsville, Qld 4811, Australia Predicting the impacts…

Physiological attributes altering the distribution of fishes: an energetics perspective

Timothy D. Clark (1) 1 University of Tasmania and CSIRO Agriculture Flagship, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 7000 Climate change is altering the distribution of many fish species, often as a consequence of structural habitat degradation but also through alterations in the properties of water (e.g., temperature, oxygen levels, water chemistry). Upper and lower environmental limits of…

Is Evolutionary Trend to Herbivory in Fish Frozen by Temperature?

Ivana Matějíčková (1,2), Lukáš Vejřík(1,2), Jari Syväranta (3), Mikko Kiljunen (4), Martin Čech (1),Mojmír Vašek (1), Marek Šmejkal (1,2), Jaroslava Frouzová (1), Jiří Peterka (1) 1 Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Institute of Hydrobiology, Na Sádkách 7, 37005 České Budějovice, Czech Republic. E-mail: 2 Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia…

Evaluating thermal performance reactions norms as a predictor of vagrant tropical fish success in temperate waters

Will  Figueira (1),    Riccardo    Cannas (2),    David    Booth (3) 1    University    of    Sydney,    School    of    Biological    Sciences,    Sydney,    NSW,    2006, 2    Università    Politecnica    delle    Marche,    P.zza    Roma    22,    60121, 3    University    of    Technology,    Sydney,    School    of    Life    Sciences,    15    Broadway,    Ultimo,    NSW,    2007, The recruitment of tropical fishes to temperate waters during…

Feeling the heat: Boreal breeding birds follow modelled range changes under warming climate

Heini Kujala (1), Aleksi Lehikoinen (2), Jari Valkama (2), Wilfried Thuiller (3)   1 ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions (CEED), The University of Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia,, @HeiniKujala 2 Finnish Museum of Natural History, Pohjoinen Rautatienkatu 13, 0010 Helsinki, Finland 3 Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine, UMR‐CNRS 5553, Université Joseph Fourier, BP 53, 38041…

Good or bad moves in the southern Benguela?

Laura K. Blamey (1), John J. Bolton (2), George M. Branch (3), Éva E. Plagányi (4), Tamara B. Robinson (5) 1 Marine Research Institute, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, Western Cape, 7701,, 2 Marine Research Institute, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, Western Cape, 7701, 3 Marine…

Identifying current and historical refugia for the persistence of Chilean endemic tree flora under climate change

Patricio Pliscoff (1,2,) David E. Uribe R (3) 1 Institute de Geography, Universidad Católica de Chile, Av. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Santiago, 6904411, 2 Departament of Ecology, Universidad Católica de Chile, Av. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 340, Santiago, 8331150 3 Laboratory of Conservation Biology, Departament of Ecology, Universidad de Chile, Las Palmeras 3425, Santiago, 7800003,…

Novel assemblages: challenges for ecology and the conservation/restoration orthodoxy

Richard J Hobbs (1) 1 School of Plant Biology, University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia Much has been written about changes in species distributions in response to climate change and other environmental changes and, in addition, the human role in engineering change through transport of species outside their normal ranges. This deliberate transport…

Non-consensual body size response to climate and primary production in common songbirds: habitat and thermal preference matter

Nicolas Dubos (1,2), Isabelle Le Viol (1), Alexandre Robert (1), Céline Teplitsky (1), Olivier Dehorter (1), Manon Ghislain (1,2), Romain Julliard (1) & Pierre Yves Henry (1,2) 1 Centre d’Ecologie et des Sciences de la Conservation (CESCO UMR 7204) Centre de Recherches sur la Biologie des Populations d’Oiseaux, Sorbonne Universités, MNHN, CNRS, UPMC, CP51, 55 rue…

Colonisation pathways, genetic diversity and evolutionary potential of a non-native lizard

Studying biological invasions may further our understanding of how ecological and evolutionary processes  shape  patterns  of  diversity within  species  and  communities.  The ability of non-native species to persist and adapt to new environments is expected to rely on their genetic diversity. To understand what shapes their genetic structure we first need to have a detailed…