01. Implications of species range change for health, food security and ecosystem services
Cutaneous leishmaniasis emergence: the role of climate change associated vector range expansions
Stavana Strutz 
02. Detection, attribution and facilitation of range change
Australian arid-zone birds: assessing species movements in response to an extreme rain event
Michelle R. Gibson
Can forest plant species escape the climate change fire? Yes, by using streams as “high-speed corridors”!
Jonathan Lenoir
Contrasting pattern of neutral and putatively adaptive genetic variation of a montane philopatric species: implications for climate-driven range-shifts
Benjamin Yeboah Ofori
Dispersal processes and environmental extrapolation on predictive accuracy of species distribution models across time: an example with endemic and threatened Darwin frog
David E. Uribe
Distributional responses to marine heatwaves: insights from length-frequencies across the geographical range of the endemic reef fish choerodon rubescens
Scott Bennett 
First sightings – harbingers of species shifts or false alarms?
Hannah Fogarty
Geographical range margins of a wide range of British taxonomic groups continue to shift polewards
Suzanna Mason
Have black marlin flown the coop? Use of a terrestrial modelling technique reveals a rapid poleward distribution shift in the habitat of a mobile pelagic predator
Nicholas Hill
Molluscs on the move in Tasmanian waters: recent finds suggest poleward range shifts in many marine species
Simon Grove
Spatial modelling the northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus) in the Pilbara: Informing conservation management of an isolated population of an endangered and iconic species.
Shaun Molloy
Linking reproductive mode, microhabitat use and thermal performance in two sympatric skinks (Sphenomorphus indicus and s incognitus
Felix Yuan
03. Changing distributions and conservation paradigms
Bimodality of latitudinal gradients in marine species richness
Chhaya Chaudhary
Climate change in the southern Indian Ocean: projecting impacts on tuna distribution, longline fleet-dynamics, and albatross bycatch
Pamela E. Michael
Distribution models of temperate habitat-forming species on the continental shelf in eastern Australia: setting the baseline and predicting future changes
Martin Marzloff
Environmental Influences on the Trans-Oceanic Migrations of North Pacific Loggerhead Sea Turtles
Dana Briscoe
Hitching a ride in the Australian Alps: road edges as conduits for native plant movements
Keith McDougall
Hypoxic Pelagic Zone as a Refuge for Small Fish in a Freshwater Ecosystem
Lukas Vejrik
The Atlas of Living Australia: 55 million species records and counting
Lee Belbin
Unusual suspects in the usual places: A framework to identify potential future invasive species
Rebecca Harris
Velocity of distribution change in plant species from Parastrephia and Mutisia genus (Asteraceae) in the South American Altiplano (tropical Andes) due to climate change
Taryn Fuentes-Castillo
Vulnerability of turtle nesting beaches over the next 50-100 years
Nathalie Butt
Wildlife Restoration: for when you build it and they don’t come
David Watson
Predicting species’ moves: are we leaving threatened species out in the cold?
Raquel A Garcia
04. Biological responses at the species level – physiology & genetics
Does environmental variation predict temporal variation in traits associated with mating success in spotted bowerbirds?
Caroline Dingle
Evaluating climate change vulnerability of a subtropical mountain-top terrestrial ectotherm
Mariel Familiar López
Octopus on the Move: What factors may facilitate the range shift of Octopus tetricus in south-eastern Australia?
Jorge Ramos
Physiological determinants of tolerance to climatic extremes in reptiles
Anna Pintor
Physiological performance and adaptions of key ecosystem species in an ocean warming hotspot
Elias Polymeropoulos
Plasticity of tropical reef fish to future Sydney winters
Graeme Poleweski
Population genetic signatures of the range extending Octopus tetricus (Gould, 1852) in south-eastern Australia
Jorge Ramos
Species traits and climate velocity explain geographic range shifts in an ocean-warming hotspot
Jennifer Sunday
The rapid evolution of phenotypic plasticity in the introduced weed, Arctotheca populifolia.
Charlie Clark
A tale of two urchins: disperal capacity of closely-related species Heliocidaris erythrogramma and H. Tuberculata, with contrasting PLD’s
Mailie Gall
Do the energetics and thermal tolerance of triploid and diploid Atlantic salmon differ?
Alyssa Bowden
Does developmental hypoxia have enduring effects on the metabolism and morphology of Atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar)?
Andrew Wood
From pole to pole: the potential for the Arctic seastar Asterias Amurensis to invade a warming Southern Ocean
Maria Byrne
05. Cultural, social and economic dimensions of range shifts and changing ecosystems
Coastal urbanization and seascape connectivity structure fish assemblages in the surf-zones of ocean-exposed sandy beaches
Elena Vargas-Fonseca
Engaging the public to help identify range-shifting marine species: if, why and how the public want to become involved
Vicki Martin
06. Governance, legal and ethical issues for managing shifting species and changing ecosystems
The pros and cons of re-wilding private lands in Tasmania
Aine Nicholson
07. Modelling Change from Molecules to Ecosystems: Understanding and representing multi-scale mechanisms that link climate. humans and living resources
Climate change impacts on ocean circulation: another stressor in marine ecosystems
Simon Van Gennip 
Integrating advanced remote sensing data into a multi-scale species distribution model (SDM) coupled with a population model to predict the invasion dynamic of a non-native plant
Jonathan Lenoir
08. Impacts of climate change on composition an structure of ecological communities
Bridging the gap between ecologists and modellers: the Biodiversity and Climate Change Virtual Laboratory (BCCVL)
Sarah Richmond
Broad latitudinal discontinuity in coral symboises has the potential to limit species movements under climate change
Sun Kim
Bryophytes challenge the latitudinal diversity gradient in Europe
Rubén G. Mateo
Expansion of Plesiastrea verispora populations following recent warming in Western Australia
Chenae Tuckett 
Integrating natural tags to assess connectivity patterns and population structure of fish species with ontogenetic migrations
Patrick Reis-Santos
Movement in the understorey
Marie Keatley
Potential impacts of climate change on biotic homogenization
Mao-Ning Tuanmu
Range shift vs. intraspecific body size change under warming: altitude-dependent impact on community body size
I-Ching Chen
Effects of environmental change on montane birds and amphibians in Peninsular Malaysia
Malcolm Chu Keong Soh
09. Shifting species in polar terrestrial ecosystems: range expansion and invasions
Change in the distribution of the indigenous grass Poa litoosa on sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island following the eradication of rabbits
Laura Williams
10. Management strategies for multiple objectives and benefits
Incorporating projected trends of a changing climate into community-based regional-scale Natural Resource Management planning
Jodie Deeley, Mikkel Christensen
11. Decision-making for assisted colonisation as a climate change adaption strategy
Building a case for the western swamp turtle (Pseudemydura umbrina) as a candidate for assisted colonisation
Sophie Arnall
Identification of conservation reserves for tuatara under climate change
Scott Jarvie
Identifying seed provenances using climate analogues
Peter Harrison
12. Species interactions and community dynamics in novel assemblages
Life in the city: Bird community composition along gradients of invasion and urbanization
Andrew Rogers