

We are delighted to host Research Reproducibility 2020, the third in a series of interdisciplinary Research Reproducibility conferences aimed to increase the reproducibility and replicability of research on our campuses.

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Take a look at the range of individuals who will be speaking at the Research Reproducibility conference this year

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Keynote Speaker

Brian Nosek
Executive Director of the Center for Open Science

Three Panels

to explore reproducibility, rigor, and replicability education in all disciplines

Learn Practical Ideas

for educating on reproducibility topics

Explore Policies & Supports

for students facing challenges

Network with Colleagues

to build new ideas and collaborations for improving reproducibility

Meet Colleagues

from other fields and specialties with a common interest: reproducibility


Educators in higher education, K-12 and professional development

Principal investigators and mentors

Students and Post-docs

Research administrators and research integrity officers

Reproducibility, rigor and replicability experts and novices


Download the welcome letter from Melissa Rethlefsen, MSLS, AHIP, HERE.

We hope everyone is well and thank you for being patient with us as we navigated through details for continuing to host Research Reproducibility 2020. We are excited to announce that the Research Reproducibility Conference has been confirmed to be hosted in a virtual format for December 2-3, 2020!

The conference will still focus on the reproducibility and replicability of research on our campuses through a dynamic 2 day virtual event that will bring together experts and novices, researchers and educators, and students and administrators from multiple disciplines and institutions to explore best practices, innovations, and new ideas for education around reproducibility and replicability.

Our Keynote Speaker, Brian Nosek, is the co-founder and Executive Director of the Center for Open Science (COS). He and the COS team are pioneers and leaders in discussing and teaching open, reproducible, and transparent practices in research. In addition, Brian is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Virginia, where he mentors his students in reproducible, transparent methods.

Our panelists will also still represent a range of disciplines and educational techniques and roles, from linguistics to biomedical informatics and undergraduate educators conducting replication studies with their students to those leading national efforts to provide training. Their experiences and expertise will help set the stage for our conversations and learning each day of the conference.

We’d also like to feature you! The virtual event will also feature submitted papers, poster sessions, and opportunities for in-depth discussion at roundtables on topics submitted by our attendees. The paper and poster submission portal is currently open and accepting submissions until October 15th!

Registration is also open, so make sure to secure your spot today!


Melissa Rethlefsen, MSLS, AHIP

Associate Dean, George A. Smathers Libraries
Fackler Director, Health Science Center Libraries
University of Florida
ml.rethlefsen@ufl.edu | 352-273-8404
ORCID: 0000-0001-5322-9368 | @mlrethlefsen