Institutional Sponsors
National Science Foundation
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Florida State University
University of Florida
Industrial Sponsors Sponsor Name Information
Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsor Oxford Instruments PLC
Founded in 1959, Oxford Instruments is a leading provider of high-tech products and services, primarily serving industrial and scientific research sectors. The company focuses on developing tools and systems that analyze and manipulate materials at the atomic and molecular levels, enabling advancements in R&D and scientific discovery in fields like life sciences and quantum technology.
Maybell Quantum
Founded in 2021, Maybell Quantum is a Denver-based company specializing in quantum infrastructure. With a mission to provide the world’s best tools for tackling the toughest quantum challenges, Maybell offers accessible, reliable, and high-performance solutions.
Silver Sponsor Bluefors Inc.
Bluefors operates in a world of cold offering reliable, industry-leading cryogenic measurement systems, cryocoolers and ground-breaking cryogenic products that allow physicists and scientists to consistently work at cryogenic temperatures. The products range from measurement infrastructure to cryocoolers, with full systems covering the needs of experiments down to millikelvin temperatures.