Open Call for Workshop Proposals for the MANA 2024 Conference

The 6th Annual Metabolomics Association of North America (MANA) Conference will take place on October 21-24, 2024, at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL. We would like to invite community members to submit ideas for instructional workshops at MANA 2024. Workshops should enable open discussions, be interactive, and if possible, include hands-on components. These workshops provide an outstanding opportunity to discuss a wide range of important topics and practical aspects of metabolomics.

You can submit your workshop application by completing the online form: Submit Workshop Application

You’ll be asked to provide the following information:

Organizers names and e-mail

Workshop title

Workshop description and rationale

Tentative or confirmed list of presenters

Objectives and expected outcomes of the workshop

Need for special equipment<

Anticipated number of participants

The deadline for submission of workshop proposals is May 30, 2024.