Podium Presenter Guidelines

All podium presenters are required to submit their slides through Dropbox by Sunday, October 20th, 2024. Presentations should be made in PowerPoint. Slide decks will be organized by session and time and put on the desktop computer in the conference room or auditorium, as appropriate. Filenames should include presenting author, session, and start time from the program. Presentations should be sized for widescreen dimensions (16:9). Presenting authors should receive notifications by email. Address questions to

PowerPoint Presentation Uploaded by 10/20/2024 to Dropbox.

Poster Guidelines

All poster presenters are required to print a physical poster as described below. Make sure posters are printed in landscape orientation. Poster board dimensions are 4 ft high x 6 feet wide, and posters will be displayed one to a board. The poster should leave room for a standard sheet of paper (8.5” x 11”) with the number and the poster information for each day. The posters should be displayed by 9 AM and removed at 7 PM. The poster session is from 1-2:30 PM, but there is additional poster viewing during the evening workshops (5:30-7 PM) except on Thursday.

Height = 4 feet (1.2 m) & Width = 6 feet (1.8 m)

Push pins will be provided.

Posters Displayed by 9 AM, attended 1-2:30 PM, and removed at 7 PM.

Thursday posters must be removed by 2:30 PM to allow for the evening reception