MANA 2024

MANA is proud to offer a number of MANA members grants for MANA 2024 attendance.

The Awards Committee shall intend to offer awards across a breadth of applicants. Candidates may compete for multiple awards. Awards are based on fulfilling eligibility criteria. See specific award details. MANA will seek a balance of support across research groups, institutions and awardee demographic diversity. The Awards Committee holds the right to decline the offer of an award if the applicant pool does not meet expectations and eligibility requirements.

The eligibility of MANA committee members is as follows. The MANA Board of Directors, MANA Conference Local and Scientific Organizing Committees, and award judges are not eligible for awards. Awards committee members and ECM council members are permitted to apply for awards but will be recused from judging and excluded from awards applicant documents.

Please submit nominations and applications to by the designated deadline, including the Name & Award Title in the subject line.

Questions can be directed to

Open to all MANA members:

Award amount: up to $500 reimbursement per awardee

Number of awards: 2

Deadline: August 16, 2024

Description: MANA ECM is committed to promoting equitable access to MANA 2024 for MANA members with child and/or adult dependent care responsibilities. To facilitate this goal, MANA ECM is offering a Dependent Care Grant to defray the cost of dependent care services for eligible applicants attending MANA 2024. This grant is intended to support the MANA 2024 conference in Tampa, FL, October 21-24, 2024 and attendance is required. Each grant includes $500 and a certificate; only a limited number of grants will be given and will be awarded on a first come first serve basis.


Must be a MANA member (all members are welcome to apply)

Attendance is required to the MANA 2024 conference in Tampa, FL, October 21-24, 2024

Who qualifies as a dependent?

A dependent is defined as 1) a minor 12 years of age or younger who resides with the applicant and for whom the applicant provides primary support, or 2) a person regardless of age who spends at least eight hours per day in the applicant’s home and for whom the applicant has care responsibilities.

Eligible expenses that can be covered up to a maximum of $500:

Airfare for a caregiver (e.g., family member, au pair, nanny, sitter) to fly to the conference location to assist with dependent care.

Airfare for dependent traveling to the conference. Note: dependent does not need to attend the conference in order to receive the grant.

Costs for dependent care at the conference (e.g., onsite babysitting, daycare or elder care service local to the conference venue)

Costs for additional dependent care at home incurred due to member’s absence during the conference (e.g., caregiver’s labor, before and after school or extended day programs, late pick-up fees, daycare centers, custodial child care / elder care, or expenses for care of elderly or other family members that the applicant usually provides)

The cost of shipping breastmilk for a child at home while the member travels for the conference.

Other reasonable expenses will be considered. Please reach out directly if you have an expense that does not fit into these categories but you would like to be considered. Email us at

Application process:

MANA members are limited to one (1) dependent care grant per family per conference

To apply, complete and submit the online application form before the Deadline: August 16, 2024

Reimbursement Requests:

The grant funds will be awarded after the conference is completed.

While receipts are not required upon submission of the application, they must be submitted to the MANA Treasurer within one month of the end of the conference. If you have proof of cost beforehand please submit them with the application. All expenses must be justified with proof of cost (receipts, attestment document, etc.).

Early Career Awards:

Award amount: $1000

Number of awards: 1

Deadline: July 19, 2024

Description: The MANA Early Career Award is a competitive award for the most accomplished Early Career Members. We encourage members whose work has exhibited exceptional novelty or has pushed the boundaries of metabolomics, or whose early career efforts, after obtaining a PhD, MD, or MD-PhD, have resulted in sustained, substantial, and noteworthy contributions to the field, to apply for the MANA Early Career Award. The winner will be selected to give an oral presentation at the conference.

Eligibility criteria: The applicant must

Be within ten years of a terminal degree

Conduct metabolomics research in North America

Attend the MANA 2024 conference

Present at the MANA 2024 conference

Eligible to receive this award one time

Evaluation approach: To be considered by MANA Award Committee please submit

Your conference abstract

Your current CV (5 page max, award-relevant content)

A brief description of your accomplishments and impact of your work (250 word maximum)

A letter of recommendation sent directly to with subject line ‘Letter of rec for applicant name and award title’

Award amount: $1000

Number of awards: 1

Deadline: July 19, 2024

Description: The Mark P. Styczynski Award is a competitive award for an Early Career Member who has demonstrated significant accomplishment in computational metabolomics. We encourage members whose work has exhibited exceptional novelty and innovation in computational metabolomics, or whose early career efforts have resulted in sustained, substantial, and noteworthy contributions to the field, to apply for the Mark P. Styczynski Award. The winner will be selected to give a talk at the conference.

Eligibility criteria: The applicant must

Be within ten years of a terminal degree

Conduct metabolomics research in North America

Attend the MANA 2024 conference

Present at the MANA 2024 conference

Eligible to receive this award one time

Evaluation approach: To be considered by MANA Award Committee please submit

Your conference abstract

Your current CV (5 page max, award-relevant content)

A brief description of your accomplishments and impact of your work (250 word maximum)

A letter of recommendation sent directly to with subject line ‘Letter of rec for applicant name and award title’

Award amount: $1200

Number of awards: 3 postdocs, 3 grad students, 3 Core facility personnel

Deadline: August 16, 2024

Description: MANA Early-Career Travel Award recognizes early-career members whose current metabolomics research displays a high level of distinction. The Travel award is a competitive award based on research excellence, abstract quality and a personal statement. The awards will be selected through a rigorous review process by the Awards committee.

Eligibility criteria:

MANA member within ten years of a terminal degree

Attend the MANA 2024 conference

Be the presenting author on a submitted abstract

Research must be completed at an institution in North America

Allowed one travel award per year. Cannot receive award two consecutive society conferences in a row (e.g. MANA 2023 and MANA 2024)

Evaluation approach: To be considered by MANA Award Committee please submit

Application Form

Provide a copy of the submitted abstract

Your current CV (5 page max, award-relevant content)

Please provide a brief (300 words or less) description of your academic achievements, future career perspectives, and financial need to attend MANA 2024.

Award amount: $200

Number of awards: 2

Deadline: Registration by August 16, 2024

Description: The Lightning Talk award is a competitive award for an Early Career Member who succinctly and effectively describes the essence and impact of their scientific research within a short talk. Talks are a total of 5 minutes (4 min talk with 1 min Q&A). Presenters are determined by abstract quality judged by the conference scientific organizing committee.

Eligibility criteria: The applicant must

Be within ten years of their most recent degree

Conduct metabolomics research in North America

Submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation

Those receiving an oral presentation will not be eligible for a Lightning Talk

Attend the MANA 2024 conference

Present a Lightning Talk at the MANA 2024 conference

Those receiving this award will not be eligible for a poster award

Evaluation approach:

Abstract review by MANA SOC committee

Rigorous presentation review by MANA conference judges

Winners will be announced during the conference closing remarks

Award amount: $100

Number of awards: 3 postdocs, 3 grad students, 1 undergrads

Deadline: Registration by August 16, 2024

Description: The Best Poster award is a competitive award for an Early Career Member who clearly and enthusiastically describes the scientific merit of their research. Awards are based on effective visual and oral presentation, quality of research, and depth of understanding.

Eligibility criteria: The applicant must

Be within ten years of their most recent degree

Conduct metabolomics research in North America

Attend the MANA 2024 conference

Present a Poster at the MANA 2024 conference

Evaluation approach:

Rigorous review by MANA conference judges

Winners will be announced during the conference closing remarks

Award amount: $100

Number of awards: 3 postdocs, 3 grad students, 1 undergrads

Deadline: Registration by August 16, 2024

Description: The Best Poster award is a competitive award for an Early Career Member who clearly and enthusiastically describes the scientific merit of their research. Awards are based on effective visual and oral presentation, quality of research, and depth of understanding.

Eligibility criteria: The applicant must

Be within ten years of their most recent degree

Conduct metabolomics research in North America

Attend the MANA 2024 conference

Present a Poster at the MANA 2024 conference

Evaluation approach:

Rigorous review by MANA conference judges

Winners will be announced during the conference closing remarks

Award amount: $100

Number of awards: 3 postdocs, 3 grad students, 1 undergrads

Deadline: Registration by August 16, 2024

Description: The Best Poster award is a competitive award for an Early Career Member who clearly and enthusiastically describes the scientific merit of their research. Awards are based on effective visual and oral presentation, quality of research, and depth of understanding.

Eligibility criteria: The applicant must

Be within ten years of their most recent degree

Conduct metabolomics research in North America

Attend the MANA 2024 conference

Present a Poster at the MANA 2024 conference

Evaluation approach:

Rigorous review by MANA conference judges

Winners will be announced during the conference closing remarks

Metabolomics Core Facility Awards:

Award amount: $1000 toward a course in leadership

Number of awards: 1

Nomination Deadline: August 2, 2024

Application Deadline: August 16, 2024

Description: This is a nominated award, either by mentor, colleague, or self. Send your nomination, including full name, institution and email address to two weeks prior to the Poster deadline. Nominees will be notified over email and required to submit the full application by August 16, 2024 to be considered for the award. The purpose of this award is to recognize the contributions and promote the leadership skills of a service core researcher/scientist who pursues a leadership role in a metabolomics service core. MANA will contribute up to $1000 in attendance cost toward a leadership course/workshop of the winner’s choice within 18 months of the award date.

Eligibility criteria: The applicant must

Hold a PhD, MD or MD-PhD

Hold a current position in a metabolomics service core facility in North America

Attend the MANA 2024 conference

Present at the MANA 2024 conference (poster or oral)

Eligible to receive this award one time

Evaluation approach: To be considered by MANA Award Committee please submit

Your submitted abstract

Your current CV (5 page max, award-relevant content)

A brief description of how this award will help you advance your career as a leader in a service core. Please highlight any relevant experience or past honors that you may have (250 word maximum)

Provide description and cost of intended leadership course for which MANA will reimburse up to $1000 of the attendance cost

Award amount: $500

Number of awards: 2

Deadline: Registration by Poster Deadline, August 16, 2024

Description: This award is available to MANA members who hold a position in a service core and will present (poster or oral) at MANA 2024 under one of the scientific themes of the conference.

Eligibility criteria: The applicant must

Hold a current position in a metabolomics service core facility in North America

Hold a bachelors, masters, or doctoral degree

Attend the conference

Present at the conference. At least 50% of the presented work must have been completed in a metabolomics service core in North America

Evaluation approach: To be considered by MANA Award Committee please,

Specify your intention to compete for this award during conference registration

Winner will be announced during the conference closing remarks.